Thursday, November 18, 2010

Questions 1-5

1. Athena tells Achilles not to kill Agamemnon.
2. I think that they are both to blame for the conflict.
3. You learn that even though they are on the same side, Achilles is evil.
4. Athena is popular with both the gods and the mortals.
5. There is a war.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Parable of the Prodigal Son


This is the story of some real unconditional love. A guys son goes out & spends all the inheritance he was given early all will nilly  on hookers & what not. Then his father takes him back & gives him a party.

Book of Ruth


This is story is about a lady named Ruth. She gave up a lot for her family. yup.

Psalm 104


Psalm 104 is talking about praising god & how he is the creator of life.

Psalm 23

Psalm 23 is about how god is the shepherd and we are all sheep.  

Monday, November 8, 2010

Gods & Goddesses

ApolloII.jpg image by alokia

Hermes : Messenger of God.

Hera : Zeus wife / queen of gods.

Achilles: God of war.

Athena : Goddess of wisdom & war.

phelan_ladyofthewater.jpg Goddess Of The Sea image by SoundOfIsrael

Thetis : Goddess of the sea : mother of Achilles.

Zues : King of Gods / father of Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Hermes / no sides on war.

Aphrodite : Goddess of love and beauty / favors the Trojans.

Creation & Fall Story.

Creation and Fall story is about Adam and Eve who are in the garden of Eden, where god pretty much tells them...look don't eat the fruit or I will punish you and you will not live forever.. got it ? So then as time goes on Eve tempts Adam with the forbidden fruit and they both eat it. The two gain knowledge so they become as powerful as god.So god goes crazy and is all like YOU GUYS ARE OUTTA HERE ! So they get kicked out. God gives Eve labor pains and Adam has to do manual labor and they will die eventually. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Adoration of the Disk..

Well this story is about how people praise the sun God. They follow the rules and obey the sun guy.